How to write a essay paragraph
Substance Abuse Counseling Research Paper Topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Leonardo Da Vinca :: Essays Papers
Leonardo Da Vinca The ill-conceived child of a 25-year-old legal official, Ser Piero, and worker young lady, Caterina, Leonardo was conceived on April 15, 1452, in Vinci, Italy, simply outside Florence. His dad took care of the little individual not long after his introduction to the world, while his mom wedded another person and moved to a neighboring town. They continued having children, in spite of the fact that not with one another, and they in the long run provided him with a sum of 17 stepsisters and siblings. Experiencing childhood in his dad's Vinci home, Leonardo approached insightful writings claimed by loved ones. He was likewise presented to Vinci's longstanding painting convention, and when he was around 15 his dad apprenticed him to the eminent workshop of Andrea del Verrochio in Florence. Indeed, even as a student, Leonardo exhibited his epic ability. In reality, his virtuoso appears to have saturated various pieces created by the Verrocchio's workshop from the period 1470 to 1475. Leonardo got his beginning as a craftsman around 1469. Verocchio's strength was point of view, which specialists had as of late gotten the hang of, and Leonardo immediately aced its difficulties. Truth be told, Leonardo immediately outperformed Verocchio, and when he was in his mid twenties he was absolute popular. For instance, one of Leonardo's first large breaks was to paint a heavenly attendant in Verrochio's Absolution of Christ, and Leonardo was such a great amount of better than his lord's that V errochio purportedly settled never to paint again. Leonardo remained in the Verrocchio workshop until 1477 when he set up a shingle for himself. Looking for new difficulties and tons of money, he entered the administration of the Duke of Milan in 1482, deserting his first bonus in Florence, The Adoration of the Magi. He went through 17 years in Milan, leaving simply after Duke Ludovico Sforza's tumble from power in 1499. It was during these years that Leonardo hit his sweet spot, arriving at new statures of logical and aesthetic accomplishment. One of his most well known early works, The Adoration of the Magi, was painted in 1481 for the Monastery of San Donato a Scopeto as a special raised area piece. It was never completed because of his flight for Milan, where he offered his administrations to Duke Ludovico il Moro. He took a shot at the Duomo in Milan and the Duomo and Castle in pavia; and painted the Madonna of the Rocks and the Last Supper as of now. Leonardo Da Vinca :: Essays Papers Leonardo Da Vinca The ill-conceived child of a 25-year-old legal official, Ser Piero, and worker young lady, Caterina, Leonardo was conceived on April 15, 1452, in Vinci, Italy, simply outside Florence. His dad took care of the little individual not long after his introduction to the world, while his mom wedded another person and moved to a neighboring town. They continued having children, in spite of the fact that not with one another, and they inevitably provided him with an aggregate of 17 stepsisters and siblings. Experiencing childhood in his dad's Vinci home, Leonardo approached insightful writings possessed by loved ones. He was likewise presented to Vinci's longstanding painting convention, and when he was around 15 his dad apprenticed him to the famous workshop of Andrea del Verrochio in Florence. Indeed, even as a student, Leonardo showed his goliath ability. For sure, his virtuoso appears to have saturated various pieces created by the Verrocchio's workshop from the period 1470 to 1475. Leonardo got his beginning as a craftsman around 1469. Verocchio's claim to fame was point of view, which craftsmen had as of late gotten the hang of, and Leonardo immediately aced its difficulties. Truth be told, Leonardo immediately outperformed Verocchio, and when he was in his mid twenties he was out and out acclaimed. For instance, one of Leonardo's first huge breaks was to paint a holy messenger in Verrochio's Sanctification of Christ, and Leonardo was such a great amount of better than his lord's that Verrochio supposedly settled never to paint again. Leonardo remained in the Verrocchio workshop until 1477 when he set up a shingle for himself. Looking for new difficulties and gobs of cash, he entered the administration of the Duke of Milan in 1482, relinquishing his first bonus in Florence, The Adoration of the Magi. He went through 17 years in Milan, leaving simply after Duke Ludovico Sforza's tumble from power in 1499. It was during these years that Leonardo hit his sweet spot, arriving at new statures of logical and creative accomplishment. One of his most well known early works, The Adoration of the Magi, was painted in 1481 for the Monastery of San Donato a Scopeto as a special raised area piece. It was never completed because of his flight for Milan, where he offered his administrations to Duke Ludovico il Moro. He dealt with the Duomo in Milan and the Duomo and Castle in pavia; and painted the Madonna of the Rocks and the Last Supper as of now.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Unit IV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Unit IV - Essay Example Three years’ explanations are accommodated the organization. Likewise, articulations can likewise be seen on quarterly premise. This is a fascinating connection and shows costs for IBM stocks since December 31, 1965 to date. The data that is given incorporate open and close costs for the afternoon, most noteworthy and least costs and complete volume of exchanges for the afternoon. One can scan the scope of dates for which the chronicled stock costs are to be seen and the framework gives these promptly. This connection shows the business where the organization works. For IBM, the industry is â€Å"Diversified Computer Systems†in the â€Å"Technology†segment. It likewise gives a concise correlation of the organization with the business changes in stock costs. This page gives far reaching data about IBM. This incorporates the full place of work of the organization, its site, the stock trades where the organization is recorded, number of representatives (366,486 for IBM) and a short outline of IBM along with a portrayal of key officials and their compensation bundle. The exploration reports give different examination of the organization by various research offices like Standard and Poor’s, Plunkett, Reuters and so forth. The reports are accommodated existing and potential investors to increase an understanding into company’s procedures, tasks and market standings. The P/E proportion for IBM is 16.92 (as on June 28, 2007). The stock cost relies on factors like last profit paid, profit development proportion and the financing cost in the market. The genuine figure, however, might contrast from the determined one on the grounds that other non-monetary elements like economic situations, theory, and company’s picture are likewise basic in the real stock cost. 2. Yes. Government needs to mediate into the activities of organizations from the perspective of a controller. This is on the grounds that these recorded organizations utilize normal people’s cash to build up their frameworks and methods and consequently, have
Monday, August 17, 2020
Conspiracy and intrigue
Conspiracy and intrigue Before we get to the subject of this entry, we have a question! Xin-Xin asks, Hi, I need a bike (damn Simmons). I hear there are bike auctions sometimes. Where do I find out more about them, like where and when they are? Excellent question, Xin-Xin. Im not much of a cyclist, but I looked at my contributors copy of How to Get Around MIT (frosh should use it, its a good book), and discovered that every fall Campus Police have a bicycle auction where old bicycles sell for very cheap prices. I also discovered that you can buy a bike at Cambridge Bicycle, which is two blocks up Mass Ave from MIT. If you dont want to spend money, theres a new student-run program called TechBikes, which allows members (membership is free) to borrow bikes locked at intelligent bike rack stations around campus. I did something Id never done before this weekend. I got a playing character part in an Assassins Guild game. The Guild is an MIT live-action roleplaying (LARPing) society. What is a LARP, you might ask? Well, its a little like a play, only not quite as scripted (and played in buildings around campus, not a stage). And not really intended for an audience, though many Guild games have observers watching them. If youre a playing character (PC), youre given a packet with several informational sheets in it. Your character sheet is a short biography and personality description of your character that also explains your characters goals for the game. Your greensheet explains prior knowledge that your character has. Your bluesheet exlains any groups, formal or informal, that your character belongs to, and what the goals of those groups are. You may also have ability cards that give you commands that can be used to represent skills that may be useful for your character in the game, like fighting or first aid. Or item cards, which can be exchanged before the game for items that your character posesses, such as guns (represented by disc guns) or secret papers. All these sheets and cards are written by the gamemasters, or GMs the creators and administrators of the game. Once the game starts, you act out your role based on the information in your packet, which includes not only playing a personality but trying to accomplish any missions you were given as well. Other characters are doing the same thing, and you dont know what was in their packetsit might include trying to thwart or even kill your character, form a conspiracy with or against you, or any number of other possibilities! The fun thing about this is that nobody, including the GMs, actually knows whats going to happen in the game they wrote the context, but again, theres no script. The particular game I was in last night, Krazny Octybr, has now run five times, starting in 2003 (run four was Friday night, run five was the one I played in Saturday night). And each run has been drastically different. On Friday night, the game was pretty quiet for the first three-quartersthen the Executive Officer of the submarine staged a coup but was gunned down, most of the other characters were also gunned down in a series of massacres and counter-massacres, and the sub was sunk by the Americans because nobody was there to drive it. Only three characters survived the game. In our run, on the other hand, only about half a dozen characters were gunned down, most of them by a deep-cover CIA agent on a killing spree, and there was no coup, but the reactor control room was flooded, the radio and warheads kept getting stole n by various characters, several people were beaten up by the Russian Mafia all throughout game, and we launched 13 missiles to start World War 3! I played the Zampolit, or political officer, of the sub, which meant that everyone would stop talking when I walked in anywhere (which made it annoyingly hard to figure out what anyone was up to!). Also that I got to legitimately carry a disc gun. Unfortunately, since I was playing, I couldnt take pictures of the game, but I did take pictures during the wrap-up at the end, where the GMs discussed what had happened with us and explained what had been going on and what everyone was up to. Ash 08, pictured here listening to the GMs, was secretly in a plot to kill me and take over the ship! (Or at least, her character was plotting to kill my character important to keep in-game and out-of-game reality separate). Alya 06, next to her, was also trying to kill me. Actually, she was trying to kill a lot of people. She played the deep-cover CIA agent, who flipped out when we started launching missiles and took out most of the people in the missile room before getting shot down herself. The plot line with Ash and me was sort of funny. I realized that she was plotting to kill me about halfway through the game, and made absolutely sure not to let her behind me for the rest of the game. She knew that I was on to her. In the last 20 minutes or so, while we were facing each other sitting at our stations to launch the missiles, we were in a bizarre standoff, watching each other out of the corners of our eyes, both of our disc guns drawn and in our laps, fingers on the trigger, just waiting for the other to make a false move, paranoid and frozenand all the while, we were turning our keys on command to launch nuclear strikes! I was so tempted to shout that I knew she was plotting against me and blow her away in a hail of discs, but I thought any move would probably lead her to shoot me, and she might get me before I got her (in retrospect, I should have done it anyway). She, in the meantime, was in a similar situation, waiting for the chance to attack. Neither of us ended u p shooting the other. Im sure the observers watching us were fighting not to laugh. I didnt do so great on keeping the ship together, but I did achieve my goal of protecting the illegal boxing ring from detection, even though it meant having to drag Ash (who, remember, was trying to kill me) away from the scene and distract her by discussing the conspiracy against me with her, only not letting her know that I knew she was involved! One reason I played this game was that I really like the GMs. The GMs who wrote, cast, and administered the game were Jake 00 and Joe 98 (now a Graduate Resident Tutor at Senior Haus). Liz 05 was their assistant GM, who helped cast and administer these runs of the game. Jake 00 and Liz 05 explain the plotlines to us during wrap-up: The guy whose head is in the bottom right corner of that pic, Nelson 09, was probably the biggest star of our run of the game. Thats right, a freshman was the big star! His character was secretly a Nazi who wanted to take control of the ship, and really wanted us to fire missiles. In an amazing bit of acting, he managed to convince everyone that there were orders coming over the radio to fire, even though all he could really hear was static. Another big star was my hallmate Yelena 06, wearing the black shirt. Her character really wanted us to fire missiles and start a nuclear war. And, look what happened, we fired 13 missiles! (the previous record was 3 missiles, and three of the five runs had no missiles launched at all). Id say thats a pretty successful result for her. There were a lot more stories, but I dont want to give too much awayin case this game runs again sometime when you prospectives are students and maybe playing in it! One thing I really love about 5th East when those of us from the hall got back from game, we started yelling to the people from the Friday run about how we lauched 13 missiles and blew up the world and people kept stealing the radio and on and on, and nobody in the lounge even raised an eyebrow. The hall is used to this sort of thing.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
What A Database Is, Features Of A Relational Database, And...
Introduction: In this report I am going to explain what a database is, features of a relational database, and the benefits of a relational database, purpose of primary keys and how they are used to build relationships, and I am also going to focus on, what are foreign keys and how they are been used, explain referential integrity and finally, how to apply referential integrity. I am also going to backed up my views and opinions with the valid references. Assessment introduction Iain’s Co is a large building services company which currently employs a team of IT technicians to manage their IT infrastructure and support the IT users. Recently, the company has taken over a similar but smaller company which also employs technical support staff in the same way. The company feels that it needs a centralised IT-based support system that will track, monitor and report on the progress of the problems identified by users across the two sites generally improving the IT support services. The IT Support System needs to monitor the use if IT hardware, such as: keyboard, monitor, printer, system unit, laptop, CD writer, mouse, in order to improve the service provided to users and ensure the service is operated in an efficient way. You have already met with the network manager and he has provided the main requirements of the system. The responsibility for monitoring each hardware item is allocated to a specific employee. I have decided to design a relational database for the IT supportShow MoreRelatedThe Features Of A Relational Database1585 Words  | 7 Pages P1 - Explain the features of a relational database. This is to be shown as a report or presentation and must discuss the following. †¢ Features: entities; attributes; relationships; †¢ Entities: primary keys, foreign keys; referential integrity; attributes; †¢ Attributes: field properties e.g. data types, size, validation rules †¢ Relationships: one-to-many; one-to-one; many-to-many Relational database – This is a database that contains more than one table of which are linked using key fieldsRead MoreRelational And Non Relational Database Model Essay1428 Words  | 6 Pagesclearly explain the concept of relational and non-relational databases. Although those literature hightligted varieties of significant theories, this review will attempt to establish a clear meaning of relational and non-relational database Concept, NoSQL data model, ACID and Base properties, CAP Theorem and Scalability. Furthermore, it will attempt to critically evaluate structured and unstructured data, elucidate on the strength and weakness of relational and NoSQL databases and give an overview of theRead MoreKey Features Of The Database Management System1035 Words  | 5 Pagesthis paper we will examine the key features of the database management system MongoDB. Day-to-day information is growing in gigantic amount. Generated information include predominant information and it w ill have to be analyzed for gathering essential expertise. On the whole, relational databases are used so as to system the data. These, ways works successfully for small amount of knowledge. What if the data is very tremendous? To avoid this problems Mongo databases are introduced. MongoDB is a cross-platformRead MoreAnalysis Memorandum1532 Words  | 7 Pagesanalysis memorandum proposing the use of Microsoft Access databases within our Security Division’s infrastructure. Many security managers are relying heavily on the use of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets in order to keep track of their personnel, security violations, inspection programs and training. While spreadsheets are effective means for complex calculations they are also limited in that they basically fall short in showing the relational qualities of security data in relationship to particularRead MoreWhat Is A Relational Database?1043 Words  | 5 Pagesservice. What is a Relational Database? Relation database is a database model in which information is stored in separate tables stored in a linked relationship in a table with rows and columns. Each table has a record which is known as tuples and each record has a field which is known as an attribute which all containing unique value, every table has at least one field with another table such as many to many’ ‘one to many’ or ‘one to one’ relationships. What is the purpose of a relational databaseRead MoreThe Features Of A Relational Database1406 Words  | 6 PagesP1 Explain the features of a relational database. Introduction: A company called Ian’s Co currently employs a team of IT technicians to manage their IT infrastructure and also support the IT users. Also quite recently the company has taken over a similar but a smaller company which is also employs technical support staff in the same way. What is a relational database? Firstly a relational database contains a set of tables which basically are linked collectively by the relationships between theRead MoreBtec1256 Words  | 6 PagesLearner Registration No. Assessor Name LEI13160876 Soory Abbassi 15/10/13 Hand-in Date Submitted On 15/10/13 18/03/14 Qualification and Programme Number Unit Number and Title BTEC Extended Diploma In IT (QCF): Level 3 Unit 18: Database Design Assignment Title Assignment 1 No. 1 of 2 Whole or Part of Unit? Whole /Part Grade for Whole Unit Deadlines: If you do not meet the deadlines for handing in your assignments you may not have your work marked. This could resultRead MoreSql Vs. Relational Databases956 Words  | 4 PagesTo SQL or Not to SQL Relational databases play a major role in making many apps and programs work. They provide an easy way to store large amounts of data in a consistent, non duplicating, and maintainable way to be used by developers for analytical or software use (Advantages of a relational database, n.d.). However, more and more applications and companies with a tremendous amount of data such as search engines, social networks, and e-commerce sites have been requiring a level of speed and scalabilityRead MoreRelational Database : A Database1622 Words  | 7 Pages Relational Database Introduction – What is a relational database It is a database which shows the links and relationships between two sets of data/stored information in a document or mainly entities. This means e.g. if a computer system has to store a lot of data/information about people instead of repeating the same row of information which may include personal or unnecessary things, you will then be able to click on the main primary key data which then leads to the actual personal things. ThisRead MoreWhat Are The Four Types Of Database And Their Pros And Cons1172 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction: In this document I am going to explain what database is and then I am going to list four different types of database and their pros and cons (Advantages and Disadvantages) for all databases that has been listed. And finally I am going to give an example of each database when it can be used. What is a Database? A database is a group of data and ii is often shortened DB. They are mainly or normally used for two purposes. Storing data and sorting data. You can save different types of
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Causes Of Crime And Crime Essay - 1354 Words
The cause of crime When an individual commits a crime it is society that has placed laws to find this individual guilty of such crime(s). This individual will now face the consequences of their action. But what caused this individual to participate in criminal activities? What causes crime? In order to answer such question, one has to understand what crime is. Nadia defined crime as â€Å"the breach of laws that are laid down by the ruling authority of the land†( via mechanisms such as legal systems can ultimately prescribe a conviction. There can be various causes of crime. Each individual may give you their own opinion and answer of what causes crime. This document will provide you with three main factors contributing to this issue and how these issues show that the cause of crime is a never ending cycle that the society has placed out for many years. This cycle is due to 3 main issues, which are Environmental influences, followed by poverty and over population. This document will not be stating that these are the only causes but arguing by why these are the four main causes contribute strongly to this never ending cycle and why its society’s doing. Following this document the readers will understand more in-depth of this continuing cycle. Environmental influences Such as fostering adoption etc. are all major factors that motivates an individual towards criminal activities. Adoption or fostering homes are great examples of how an environment can influence anShow MoreRelatedCauses Of Crime809 Words  | 4 Pages Causes of Crime Crime is a part of life that all nationals must manage as it appears to have been around as long as human progress itself. Crime has violated groups for a considerable length of time and I think one declaration is that crime is more pervasive in poor inward city neighborhoods than it is in reciprocals that are more affluent. I think the three noteworthy reasons for crime stem from an absence of training, living in destitution, and being brought up in a solitary parent home. TrainingRead MoreThe Causes of Crime1530 Words  | 7 PagesThe causes of crime seem to be indefinite and ever changing. In the 19th century; slum poverty was blamed, in the 20th century, a childhood without love was blamed (Adams 152). In the era going into the new millennium , most experts and theorists have given up all hope in trying to pinpoint one single aspect that causes crime. Many experts believe some people are natural born criminals who are born with criminal mindsets, and this is unchangeable. However, criminals are not a product of heredityRead MoreThe Causes of Crime. What are the causes of crime essay1421 Words  | 6 Pagesthat has no evident cure - crime. Before one can even try to find solutions for it, one must understand what a crime is and the nature of crime. Crime itself is defined as any offence harmful against society. The nature of crime however deals with the motives and causes of crime, which has no one clear cut explanation. There are several different theories on the cause of crime such as heredity, gender and mental defects, but each one is not substantial enough to explain crime and why it takes place.Read MoreEssay on Causes of Crime1147 Words  | 5 Pages Causes of Crime For centuries, the one plague that human civilization faces is a disease that has no evident cure - crime. Before one can even try to find solutions for it, one must understand what a crime is and the nature of crime. Crime itself is defined as any offence harmful against society. The nature of crime however deals with the motives and causes of crime, which has no one clear cut explanation. There are several different theories on the cause of crime suchRead MoreCauses of Street Crime746 Words  | 3 PagesCauses of street crimes The major causes are unemployment and illiteracy rate but there are some other factors too like lawlessness, fundamentalism, backwardness and double standards prevailing in the society. People around the world always think of Pakistannis as terrorists- we arent all like that. Yes, I agree that there is a high crime rate, however, most Pakistannis in the lesser civilised areas of Pakistan suffer from extreme depths of poverty, which is somewhat the main reason for highRead MoreCauses Of Street Crimes790 Words  | 4 PagesThere are several reasons why street crimes are increasing in our society today. Unemployment, Violent Crimes, Lack of Education, and Poor Parenting Skills play a huge role in street crimes in our society. The reason being is because they all have an extreme effect on the children in many different ways. Like for instance, not having a father in a childs life can cause children to For example, unemployment is one of the main causes because it leads to crimes such as pick-pocketing. Unemployed peopleRead MoreThe Causes And Trends Of Crime969 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Crime is a very prominent issue. Most of us know someone who has been a victim of a crime, has committed a crime or have committed a crime ourselves. News outlets are filled with crime stories. Television shows depict criminals and the agencies trying to bring criminals to justice. Being such a dominant part of life, it is essential that we take a deeper look into the causes and trends of crime. Discussion of Theory I believe there are many different motivating factors as to why peopleRead MoreWhat Causes Crime?2748 Words  | 11 Pagesone another bringing about a break in the order of human life, this is where the social roots of crime would be discovered and Chicago sat center stage. It was during this time that Chicago won the rights to hold the World’s Fair and with it saw a rise in the city’s population and where researchers of the Chicago School and elsewhere would dispel crime as a reasoned action or genetic circumstance. Crime would be found right in the heart of growing cities, like that of Chicago, and rapid invasion wouldRead MoreMental Illness And Crime Is Not Cause Crime And Violence1282 Words  | 6 Pagescover up? Does mental illness really cause crime? There are so many questions all with varying supplementary scenarios however, I will focus on my belief that although mental illness does not cause crime and violence, it does contribute to it. I believe that th e first and most important problem in this controversy is the lack of understanding what both mental illness and crime is. Robert Schug refers to both terms as â€Å"umbrella terms†in Stacy Mallicoat’s Crime and Criminal Justice: Concepts and ControversiesRead MoreEssay about The Causes of Crime1537 Words  | 7 PagesThe causes of crime seem to be indefinite and ever changing. In the 19th century, slum poverty was blamed; in the 20th century, a childhood without love was blamed (Adams 152). In the era going into the new millennium, most experts and theorists have given up all hope in trying to pinpoint one single aspect that causes crime. Many experts believe some people are natural born criminals who are born with criminal mindsets, and this is unchangeable. However, criminals are not a product of heredity.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The instructional design process Free Essays
string(67) " be demonstrated by the scholar as a consequence of the direction\." See the undermentioned conjectural state of affairs, you have been approached by a module member at UNC who has merely received a big grant for developing educational stuffs in her field of expertness. Although the module member knows her capable really good, she has ne’er been involved in a big development undertaking. Her annual undertaking involves working with other module members as capable affair experts and organizing the attempts of assorted media production contractors. We will write a custom essay sample on The instructional design process or any similar topic only for you Order Now The module member has approached you to assist her program this undertaking. Describe for her what is meant by instructional design in relation to this undertaking. In peculiar, she is interested in how instructional aims, choosing the right media, and formative development will assist her undertaking. Instructional design is a mussy procedure. It is a non-linear iterative procedure that includes legion visions and alterations. Sims and Koszalka ( 2008 ) define instructional design as â€Å" a purposeful activity that consequences in a combination of schemes, activities, and resources to ease acquisition †( p. 570 ) . Merrill, Barclay, and van Schaak ‘s ( 2008 ) definition suggests purpose and intent when they describe the procedure as one which involves â€Å" making designs for effectual, efficient, and prosecuting direction †( p. 174 ) . What we know about this peculiar grant is that it is a â€Å" big grant †with the intent of â€Å" developing educational stuffs †for one twelvemonth. Furthermore, this undertaking will affect working with assorted module members every bit good as media production contractors. Given these conditions, the instructional design theoretical account created by Morrison, Ross, and Kemp ( 2004 ) will be the underli ning usher for this treatment. The subdivisions on aims, message design, and formative development will be written in more item than other subdivisions based on the petition by the module member. Typically, the first measure in the instructional design procedure is placing the job. This involves calculating out if instructional design is appropriate. Because the grant has already been approved, it will be assumed that the demands appraisal, end analysis, and public presentation appraisal for the undertaking have been conducted and it was determined that direction is the appropriate manner to work out the job. The 2nd measure is to measure the demands of the scholars. Morrison et Al. ( 2004 ) suggest taking a expression at three facets of the intended audience: a ) general features, or â€Å" wide placing variables such as gender, age, work experience, instruction, and ethnicity †( p. 57 ) ; specific entry competences, or â€Å" prerequisite accomplishments and attitudes that scholars must possess to profit from preparation †( p. 58 ) ; and larning manners, or â€Å" traits that refer to how persons approach larning undertakings and procedure information †( p. 58 ) . For the undertaking, the instructional interior decorator must take into consideration who the scholars are. Are they traditional undergraduate pupils? Are there international pupils? Are they from Colorado? Depending on the features of the scholars, direction will be altered to suit their demands. The 3rd measure is the undertaking analysis. Morrison et Al. ( 2004 ) describe three methods for specifying the content: subject analysis, procedural analysis, and critical incidence analysis. A subject analysis â€Å" is used to specify the facts, constructs, rules, and regulations that will do up the concluding direction †( p. 80 ) . For the undertaking, it is of import to happen the cardinal stuffs that are relevant to the direction. If the other module are from different subjects, each capable country will necessitate to analyse their ain list of subjects. The procedural analysis â€Å" aˆÂ ¦is used to analyse undertakings by placing the stairss required to finish them †( p. 84 ) . Making walkthroughs with other module members functioning as subject-matter experts may be a good attack. The critical incidence method â€Å" aˆÂ ¦is used to place the content related to interpersonal interactions and attitudes †( p. 96 ) . Because in many instances, the aim of an direction is for pupils to derive the accomplishments that experts in the field have acquired, the subject-matter expert becomes a important portion of the design. Therefore, it is necessary to sit down with the other module to better understand the conditions and grounds for which they do what they do and how they do it. Taking into consideration the results of the undertaking analysis, the 4th measure is to make instructional aims. Aims are â€Å" aˆÂ ¦a aggregation of words and/or images and diagrams intended to allow others cognize what you intend your pupils to accomplish †( Mager, 1984, p. 3 ) . Kaufman ( 2000 ) suggests making an ideal vision, or â€Å" aˆÂ ¦in mensurable footings, the sort of universe we want to make together for tomorrow ‘s kid †( p. 92 ) as a starting point. This may be a good recommendation, particularly in a big grant where people ‘s thoughts about the agencies by which they get to the ends may be different or may conflict. By placing an ideal vision, planning is set at the mega-level, safely beyond the boundaries of the grant, leting different positions to hold upon a common ends or result. When this is completed, aims for the grant can be written so that they align with the ideal vision. One of the issues in working with a big group of people is that, without clearly stated aims, after a piece, people may acquire off path. When aims are clearly stated, both those involved in making the direction ( i.e. , teachers, instructional interior decorators, capable affair experts ) , the stakeholders, every bit good as scholars to the full understand the purpose of the lesson or course of study. There are three types of aims: cognitive, psychomotor, and affectional. Typically, aims are written for the cognitive sphere, or â€Å" aˆÂ ¦objectives related to information or cognition, calling, work outing, predicting, and other rational facets of larning †( Morrison et al. , 2004, p. 109 ) . Therefore, merely objectives for the cognitive sphere will be discussed here. A simple manner of retrieving how to compose aims for the cognitive sphere is by utilizing the mnemotechnic ABCD. A refers to the intended audience of the educational stuffs. B is the behaviour, public presentation, or cognitive procedure that will be demonstrated by the scholar as a consequence of the direction. You read "The instructional design process" in category "Essay examples" C is the status or accelerator by which the behaviour or cognitive procedures will be evaluated. D is any grade or standard that specifies and clarifies the B and C parts of the aim. Harmonizing to Morrison et Al. ( 2004 ) , aims can be behavioural aims or cognitive aims. If the aims are behavioural aims, it is recommended to province the terminal aim and any enabling aims that are aligned to those terminal aims. A terminal aim is â€Å" a major aim for a subject or undertaking †( p. 116 ) . These aims tend to be more general and concentrate on the overall ends. Enabling aims are â€Å" the subobjectives that lead to carry throughing the terminal aims †( p. 117 ) . These are more specific and may depict certain lesson activities or processs that are related to the acquisition undertaking. If higher order thought is one of the ends of the direction, it is recommended that the aims be classified in a taxonomy in order to guarantee that they are so mensurating higher degree ends, and are aligned to larning undertakings and appraisal. If the aims are behavioural aims in the cognitive sphere, the original Bloom ‘s Taxonomy is recommended ( Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, A ; Krathwohl, 1956 ) . If the aims are based on cognitive procedures, more recent theoretical accounts such as the one by Anderson et Al. ( 2001 ) or Marzano and Kendall ( 2007 ) are recommended. After aims are stated, the instructional design procedure involves sequencing of content â€Å" aˆÂ ¦in such a manner as to assist the scholar achieve the aims †( Morrison et al. , 2004, p. 136 ) . Morrison et Al. ( 2004 ) suggest three methods: Gagne ‘s Prerequisite Method, Posner and Strike method, and Reigeluth ‘s Elaboration Theory Sequencing Method. Because it is hard to find sequencing without a discipline-specific lineation of the content, it is beyond the range of this paper to propose sequencing processs. However, for more information, it is recommended to reexamine Morrison et Al. ‘s subdivision on sequencing. The measure after sequencing involves finding the schemes for the direction. Morrison et Al. ( 2004 ) describes two types of schemes, bringing and instructional. Delivery strategies describe the grade of individualisation. These schemes can be individualized or group-paced. Instructional schemes â€Å" prescribe sequences and methods of direction to accomplish an aim †( p. 150 ) . Such schemes are written to make direction that is effectual, efficient, and appealing. The writers describe assorted prescriptions for learning facts, constructs, rules and regulations, cognitive processs, psychomotor processs, interpersonal accomplishments, and attitudes. With schemes determined, the following measure is to make the message. Message design is the procedure â€Å" to fix the instructional stuffs by interpreting the instructional design program into a unit of direction †( Morrison et al. , 2004, p. 174 ) . This includes the preinstructional scheme, schemes for signaling, and utilizing images and artworks in the direction. For the undertaking, one preinstructional scheme is a pretest to measure anterior cognition of the pupils. Cognitivist research workers believe that anterior cognition is an of import factor in finding how to maximise acquisition, or alteration in long-run memory. Another preinstructional scheme is merely saying aims at the beginning of the category. Overviews and progress organisers serve to place relevant subjects and content of the lesson. Signing is another scheme that is a portion of message design. Signaling is â€Å" aˆÂ ¦to design the message so that it is communicated efficaciously †( Morrison et al. , 2004, p. 178 ) . Some suggestions for the undertaking include expressed signals or arrow words to assist scholars spot the most relevant stuff. Morrison et Al. ( 2004 ) states that this can be done through lists, comparings and contrasts, temporal sequencing, cause and consequence, and through definition and illustration. Typographic signals are those signals in the text that emphasize of import information. Paying attending to headers and layout, every bit good as changing the type will assist maximise pupils ‘ focal point. Using and pull stringsing images and artworks is the 3rd scheme of message design. Harmonizing to Morrison et Al. ( 2004 ) , images are good to understand abstract information and to demo spacial relationships. Pictures and artworks such as original art, cartridge holder art, or exposure may heighten acquisition. However, costs effectiveness and copyright Torahs are necessary considerations for its usage. In developing the existent direction, Morrison et Al. ( 2004 ) supply good recommendations. The first recommendation is to do the direction concrete. One of the major cognitive ends in direction is to assist pupils make mental theoretical accounts. By supplying illustrations and artworks, concrete and shorter text, and legion illustrations, pupils will be able to solidify the mental theoretical accounts, doing it easier to recover the information from long-run memory. The 2nd recommendation is to command the measure size. This means that the direction should flux from one subject to the other. Some of the schemes to maximise measure size is utilizing consistent nomenclature and doing mentions to antecedently learned stuff. Pacing is another issue that must be considered through changing the figure of illustrations and supplying amplification on subjects that may be confounding. Another major consideration is cognitive burden. Harmonizing to Lohr and Gall ( 2008 ) , cognitive burden theory is the â€Å" cognitive theoretical account of information processing that emphasizes a conceptual mental work load in understanding human idea †( p. 86 ) . Harmonizing to Lohr and Gall, cognitive overload and underload may both hinder acquisition. Effective acquisition means that the instructional stuff can non over-burden the pupils ‘ working memory. The usage of multimedia in larning as it relates to cognitive burden has been researched extensively ( see Mayer, 2001 ) . It is of import to understand basic multimedia rules sing the usage of text, life, and narrative prior to their usage in direction. The last measure that needs to be considered is rating. As stated in the debut, all of these stairss are non-linear and iterative. As it will go apparent, the rating subdivision is no exclusion to this regulation. Morrison et Al. ( 2004 ) define three types of rating: formative, summational, and confirmative. The map of formative rating is â€Å" aˆÂ ¦to inform the teacher or planning squad how good the instructional plan is functioning the aims as it progresses †( p. 240 ) . These types of rating provide feedback to the teacher, the instructional interior decorator, the stakeholders so that alterations can be made to better the direction. During the development of the undertaking, one-to-one tests are recommended. This involves proving out the direction on single scholars. As the bill of exchange of the direction becomes developed, small-group tests can assist the instructional interior decorator expression for strengths and failings in the design. When the design is co mpleted, field tests are conducted. This involves the existent execution of the direction in existent schoolrooms. Summational rating â€Å" is directed toward mensurating the grade to which the major results are attained by the terminal of the class †( p. 243 ) . Issues that will be considered include effectivity and efficiency of acquisition, cost of development, attitudes to the plan, and long-run benefits. Finally, verification rating is done over clip. This is done by carry oning a follow-up rating ( p. 244 ) . Through questionnaires, interviews, observations and other records, effectivity of the direction can be evaluated and reflected upon. How to cite The instructional design process, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Reflective Writing for Problem Solving Skills -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theReflective Writing for Problem Solving Skills. Answer: Introduction And Reflective Journal Scope Learning is a continuous process, which needs to be prioritized in the community. Globally, learning is considered a powerful tool to success, which has been proven by research over the years. My course has specifically helped me a lot, regarding differentiating between right and wrong, as related to intellectual fields (Smith 2015, p. 23). I am now well versed with different experiences, problem-solving skills and more so, increased knowledge. During my class, I specifically got to be fed with a lot of knowledge regards to the field of outsourcing in the business community. This is a phenomenon which takes place on a daily basis in our society. During my course, I realized that most organizations are keen to join with other more established entities in the industry to achieve their goals, meeting demand, acquire a large market share and more so, be able to retain consumers. The concept of outsourcing was not embraced currently, but it has been relevant in the traditional era of doin g business. This class has helped me learn a lot, and remain open-minded regarding what goes on around my environment, specifically in the business sector (Smith 2015, p. 13). This journal covers this area of learning in critical depth and presents a reflective analysis of main areas about what I have learned. Opinions about my learning experience are also provided, and a conclusion included wrapping up the entire aspect. Critically And Depth Of Learning Reflections Reflective Analysis Effectiveness and usefulness of the learning experience The learning process was advantageous all along. I was able to do a lot of things on my own, one of which I would initially rely on my peers for opinions and suggestions. This experience has helped me to become better and more diverse when it comes to searching for information. The learning experience has also helped me to realize the importance of literature in our learning process. The sources I managed to get for my research were secondary sources, which have been preserved either in the university library or on online platforms (Miller 2012, p. 14). I would consider this experience to be very effective especially since I am now able to do thing independently, search for information and judge what is credible and approved, as well as what is irrelevant and considered ambiguous in the research process. Judgments connected to observations I have made I would judge the entire experience as very fulfilling, and informative. I realized the extent of satisfaction I gained after completing my entire course (Christensen, 2015). This process is very informative as it has helped me gain knowledge and relevant experience, as well as an overview of what happens in the real business sector. The value of this experience is significant, as it has helped me gain a lot, and realize the ultimate value of education, research and overall learning in the society at large. How this learning process will be useful The field of business is dynamic and is a diverse platform which enables businesses and different individuals to share experiences, knowledge, ideas and come up with the most effective ways of achieving profitability in the long term (Creswell 2007, p. 12). This learning experience is bound to serve me in regards to my course, program, future career and life in general. In regards to my course, I will be able to think critically, and more so, come up with ideas on how I can handle tasks more effectively. Regarding my program, I will be able to achieve good grades which will help me raise the ladder of my future career (Silverman 2016, p. 31). Regarding my career, this learning process will help me to apply concepts I have learned in the professional world effectively. Life, in general, is all about idea sharing, innovation, idea generation and application of theories learned in class. The learning process will, therefore, help me to have a solid framework that I will effectively use in decision making in making life choices in the future. I intend to transfer and apply my new knowledge and insights in the future through first, passing them on to my juniors at the workplace, and even younger ones in different learning institutions. I intend to put my knowledge into practice by also coming up with practical and theoretical frameworks which will help in business and society growth in the future. Describe objectively what happened in the learning process During my learning process, I read about the challenges and opportunities which are associated with outsourcing, the concepts related to outsourcing in the Australian telecommunication sector, the impact outsourcing has had on the large telecommunication companies in Australia, the challenges who are faced by major telecommunication companies in the course of outsourcing, the direct benefits which are associated with outsourcing, as well as the indirect benefits and finally, the countries where telecommunication companies outsource jobs to (Cohen 2013, p. 43). I also went ahead to come up with different concepts which I read in different research sources about the topic in consideration. This learning process has been a growing experience for me, both intellectually and careers wisely. Evaluate what you learn Business research has been useful for my research learning process. I have come across a lot of aspects I did not initially know of, in the past. For example, I now understand how operations affect basic business processes. The whole business research process has opened my mind in regards to what happens in the business and research process (Salkind 2010, p. 54). Evidently, this field is highly convenient in trying to uncover different elements and practices in the society. The bottom line should be to establish a clear distinction of what is needed, and what is not to be prioritized in the business world. The observations I have made are very beneficial and related to my coursework. Explain your learning process: My learning process has been smooth and interesting. Gaining new skills is an achievement for any students, and I have not been exclusion. I have gained new insights into different aspects and ways. My knowledge about the business field and how to gather relevant information in the same field has been enhanced in different ways (Bryman 2015, p. 23). Through research, I have been enlightened that the business field can be as interesting as one need and makes it be. Conducting research is one of the most effective ways for any person to gather relevant information concerning any given field or topic. Before, I was not furnished will all the details and needs of conducting research (Neuman 2014, p. 8). However, I was familiar with the basics and formalities. Today, I am an enlightened student. I can conduct a research and at the same time have the capability to ensure that it meets all ethical guidelines and it meets the desired goals. Connection with other learning has also been enhanced. I have realized that when it comes to researching different fields, there are no major differences with researching business world (Blumberg 2014, p. 23). For example, I realized that any research must be furnished with facts and reliable information. After investigating, I realized that the requirements were not only effective in business but all fields. Therefore, I was able to connect with other learning, and now I am more diverse than I was there before. My feelings were in line with my desire to be a success in my field. Therefore, I was eager to pursue my course further and know more than I did before. I hypothesize that there are opportunities as well as challenges when it comes to outsourcing (Sachdeva 2009, p. 13). The reason why I did these particular activities was to increase my knowledge on matters related to outsourcing. In conclusion, the experience was interesting and educating at the same time. Explain Plan how this learning you will apply The research subject will affect my career in different ways. First, it will help me to advice on matters related to the research I conducted. Second, when I attain a leadership position, I will be able to make wise decisions related to outsourcing because I already know more about it (Best 2016, p. 12). I have been able to identify the challenges as well as the opportunities which are presented by outsourcing. Therefore, before I plan to use outsourcing in my organization, I will be able to know the challenges, and that will help me to know if they are worth implementing the outsourcing process or not. Conclusion My learning process in this particular course and subject affects my intellectual power. I must admit that the path might not be as easy as it may seem. However, a learning process can be challenging at times. But, what one gains is what matters a lot. What I have gained is worth the time and sacrifices. The course has assisted me to build my career and to ensure that in future, I become a person who can be trusted in conducting business. The activities which I have engaged in have been of so much help to me and my career. For example, the research has given me more insights about outsourcing. I have been able to have a deeper and widened reasoning on matters related to outsourcing than there before. Reference List Best, J. W. 2016. Research in education. Pearson Education India. Blumberg, B. F. 2014. Business research methods. McGraw-hill education. Bryman, A. . 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Christensen, L. B. 2011. Research methods, design, and analysis. Cohen, L. M. 2013. Research methods in education. Routledge. Creswell, J. W. 2007. Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Miller, T. B. 2012. Ethics in qualitative research. Sage. Neuman, W. L. 2014. Basics of social research. Pearson Canada. Sachdeva, J. K. 2009. Business research methodology. Himalaya Publishing House. Salkind, N. J. 2010. Encyclopedia of research design (Vol. 1). Sage. Silverman, D. 2016. Qualitative research. Sage. Smith, J. A. 2015. Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. Sage.
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